Monday, March 26, 2012

R3P2D15 -1.2 (-12.2lbs/8.75" total)

Considering the temptations I faced...yet I stilled stayed perfect on protocol...I'm a little disappointed at the miniscule loss these past three days. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.

The photo at right is just a small portion of the food surrounding me on Saturday night. But I was good. Not even a finger taste...just green tea. Impressive, no?

And to add insult to injury...I had to face the many leftovers at the "morning after" recap visit. Cruel, I tell you. Just. Plain. Cruel.

Speaking of Saturday's fete (and gosh, what a fun time), I had a few of the girls ask me about hCG. I guess they are intending to start on April 1. I gave them my blog eddress and figured I'd pop in this "hCG 101" for them (tho, gals, do google and read "Pounds & Inches" (

Here's the short story:

Phase 1: 2-3 loading days of eating anything you want (higher fat content, the better). Take drops.

Phase 2: 21-40 days of very specific portions and limited choices of foods (google Pounds & Inches, see link above)...if it's not on the list? You. Can. Not. Have. It! This is called VLCD (very low calorie diet); drink at least half your current weight in ounces of water, only up to 45 mins of light walking and no cheating (not even a finger taste). Sweeten with stevia only (truvia had added sugar). No fats, sauces, alcohol. Take drops.

P3: 21 days of 1500 cals per day (or google BMR calculator and get the exact number of calories your body needs to maintain). Consume no starches or sugar. Add in dairy (full many hidden sugars in low-fat), olive oil, avocado, nuts, cheese, other proteins (salmon, tuna, pork, turkey, etc.); all fruits (except bananas...too starchy); all veg (except potatoes, winter squash, peas, corn...again, too starchy). Stevia only. No alcohol. No drops.

P4: lifetime...enjoy anything in moderation. Stay away from processed foods (just plain bad). No drops.

I can guess what you are thinking...I could lose weight if I just did this. And you would. You'd also be starving and would lose mostly muscle. The hCG takes care of that. So, though realllllly boring food wise, the results are incredible and -- at most -- it's only 6 weeks...You. Will. Live.

Eat and be well,

Jane Doh!
That's essentially it.


  1. Thanks Jane Doh! I've read the literature and plan on re-reading tonight. I will keep you posted on my progress...4/1/12 d-day

  2. Hi Lynette:

    You go girl! Remember, the loading days are key (I often do my loading from Friday night to Sunday night (about 2.5 days), then start the 500 cal portion that Monday. By Sunday night, you will find it tough to get a lot of fat cals in...the drops start working and your hunger level drops significantly).

    During these loading days, it is imperative you eat to excess, focusing on lots of fats. This will make the transition to the VLCD portion easier (fewer (if any) side effects such as headaches, etc.) and it will get things moving (that is releasing fat) faster.

    If McDonald's or deep fried seafood, french fries and such isn't your thing, go for lots of guacamole, peanut butter, full-fat dairy and ice cream type things. You. Can. Do. This!

    Jane Doh!
